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“How do you explain to a blind person what a cloud is or the moon? How do you go about describing this as a parent? This is the almost impossible piece because you need the immediate early intervention.

-Huw Mainwaring
​Father of Beyond Blindness student Maxen, age 10

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Carrie Freitas
KitchenTable Marketing + PR
(949) 433-6735

CAABVI: “Alone We Can Do So Little, Together We Can Do So Much”

February 8, 2022|

Currently, only 3 percent of people with vision loss in the state make it from the doctor to organizations that can help them develop functional living skills. The California Agencies for the Blind and Visually Impaired (CAABVI) aims to bridge that gap. Believing collaboration is the key to delivering services to every individual and family in need, Beyond Blindness read more...

Spotlight: Catherine Heyman, OD, FAAO

February 8, 2022|

A dedicated member of the board of directors and ophthalmic advisory board, Dr. Catherine Heyman has supported Beyond Blindness for more than two decades. Her work with the organization began in 1993 while at the Southern California College of Optometry, where she earned her Doctor of Optometry degree and completed a residency in pediatric optometry and vision therapy. ”Beyond read more...