Physical Therapy
Physical therapy focuses on large motor development, mobility, balance, gross motor skills, posturing, and the appropriate use of adaptive equipment.
If that sounds technical, think of a child’s journey from being largely non-mobile to walking and climbing through the playground with peers. Think of a child who has difficulty positioning their body to actively participate in classroom lessons. Equipment and training remove that barrier so that a child who is blind or visually impaired can be a part of the learning.
Physical therapy allows children to develop the motor skills for functional and efficient movement. At Beyond Blindness, physical therapists are experienced in working with children with visual impairments, meaning our children can overcome a visual impairment with tools and considerations unique to their needs.

Occupational Therapy
Occupational therapy focuses on sensory processing, fine motor skills, oral motor functioning, and gross motor abilities. Visual impairments can make tracing objects, holding markers, and feeding very challenging to a young child. Occupational therapy gives children a sense of mastery over their bodies, making them more confident and independent at school, at home and in the community.
Early intervention is crucial because 90% of motor development in a child’s first year of life is driven by vision.
Speech Therapy
Speech therapy improves language, articulation and communication skills. Non-verbal children learn to communicate using sign language and adaptive technology, since every child deserves to communicate with those around them.
Our speech therapists work closely with our children to provide them the skills they need in order to communicate effectively and become as independent as possible. A child who can communicate their wants and needs is a child who can learn, participate, and grow.

For more information about Therapy Services, please contact Irene Takahashi, Manager, Early Intervention and Therapy Services, at or (714) 573-8888 ext. 3153.