Golf ‘fore’ our kids and families!
Join us for a fun day of golf to help empower children with visual impairments and other disabilities to reach their fullest potential!
Funds from the tournament support a comprehensive Journey of Care that provides therapy services, counseling, and education. With your support, Beyond Blindness aims to double our impact to serve even more families while also positioning ourselves as the primary resource for families of children with visual impairments and other disabilities.
For registration or tournament information, please email

Tournament History
Dr. Frank Villalobos founded this tournament with the vision that children with visual impairments can overcome any obstacle if given the right tools. Beyond Blindness is honored to carry on his legacy of service and philanthropy.
Event Planning Committee
Raymond Kong, Co-Chair • Danielle King, Co-Chair
Joshua Linn • Will Johnson • Olivia Kong • Norbert Lowe
Yvette Lavery • Heather Ready • Cassie Moncrief • Lucio Perez
2024 Sponsors
Presenting Sponsor
Premium Event Sponsors
Premium Hole Sponsors
Premium Activity Sponsors
Visionary Partner (VIP) Sponsors
Non-golf Package Sponsors
Awards Sponsor
Sam Garg, MD
Ice Cream Truck Sponsor
The Dean Family
Hole Advertising Sponsors
Other Supporters