A dedicated member of the board of directors and ophthalmic advisory board, Dr. Catherine Heyman has supported Beyond Blindness for more than two decades. Her work with the organization began in 1993 while at the Southern California College of Optometry, where she earned her Doctor of Optometry degree and completed a residency in pediatric optometry and vision therapy.
”Beyond Blindness collaborates with other professionals to create a continuum of care for the whole child, and to support the family on the journey, too,” says Dr. Heyman. “Beyond Blindness’ Teachers of the Visually Impaired (TVIs), Occupational Therapists (OTs), Physical Therapists (PTs) and Speech and Language Pathologists (SLPs) work with the kids’ doctors, schools, and families to ensure the whole child’s needs are addressed and that all care is coordinated and working in tandem for the child.”
Over the last 20-plus years, Dr. Heyman has become a passionate advocate for Beyond Blindness, particularly the Early Intervention program for children ages 0 to 3 years. She believes early intervention is critical in helping children maximize their functional vision and also navigate their worlds — regardless of how much, if any, vision they have. It positively impacts everything they will do in life, from learning and socialization to achieving developmental milestones.
Outside of her work with Beyond Blindness, Dr. Heyman is a Fellow and a Diplomate in the Binocular Vision and Vision Perception Section of the American Academy of Optometry, as well as a Fellow of the College of Optometrists in Vision Development. She is currently an associate professor and the assistant dean of student affairs at her alma mater, the Southern California College of Optometry.

February 2022 Update:
Beyond Blindness was proud to honor two dedicated board members with the newly created Dr. Wilhelm de Nijs Vision Award, named for our founder and first executive director. The award recognizes outstanding individuals who have made significant contributions to changing the lives of those living with visual impairments.
Congratulations to our inaugural recipients: Dr. Ashish Mehta, Chief of Ophthalmology at Southern California Permanente; and Dr. Catherine Heyman, Assistant Dean at Marshall B. Ketchum University.
Dr. Catherine Heyman has been a key supporter of the Low Vision Clinic for the past 25 years. In addition to serving on the board of directors for the past three years, she has served on the Ophthalmic Advisory Board and spent time as the chair of the board governance committee. She has played an instrumental role in helping Beyond Blindness evolve to meet the changing needs of children and families.